Q.Vend+ is a continuation of the QVend App launched in 2016This version aims to help companies in two pillars:1) Error-free electronic ordering2) Manage and give Direction to the Sales Force teamQ.Vend is aimed at companies, mainly those that need integration with the ERP system they use.The size of the sales team does not matter, from 1 salesperson it is already possible to use our App.Now the most interesting thing is that QVend+ has a high degree of configuration, allowing you to implement practically any business rule that your company needs in the electronic order.Want to use a pricing table? OKWant to use multiple pricing tables? also okDo you want to have a differentiated price for a customer? We also have.Do you want to have differentiated pricing for a customer segment? We did too.Do you want to let your representative give differentiated discounts per product, OK.Do you want to give a discount for Product Mix? Oh, we do too.Want to do something else? We will probably answer you.Now if, in addition to these business rules, your sales team needs to distribute the customer portfolio by salesperson according to the States/Cities of the country, our back office offers geoprocessing resources for you to follow the coverage area of each representative, knowing where sales are happening or where salespeople arent going, and more.You can create a visit schedule within a logic that improves the salespersons profitability and have a report of reasons for non-sales to support actions that improve results.Q.Vend is a mobility solution that was created with the objective of making life easier for professional salespeople, giving them conditions to literally have in the palm of their hand everything they need to know in detail about their performance and that of their customers, in a easy, fast and objective, so that the sellers precious time is maximized.By optimizing the salespersons time, all the rest of the chain that is interconnected with it also gains in agility and efficiency, because, with a more dynamic sale and with the order being delivered to the company in a faster and more effective way, comes the agility in billing. , shipping and delivery of the goods benefiting the customer who is much more satisfied with the service as a whole and ends up being the big beneficiary.A satisfied customer is a sign of a loyal customer, and this is the main objective of professionals working in the sales market, to retain their customer.Our mobility solution for your sales force aims to be sustainable, generate less paper, be less bureaucratic, optimize the workforce, in short, generate agility for the entire sales chain.Contact one of our consultants and learn more.